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Pechersk International School

The Pechersk International School is a new type of educational institution that provides an opportunity to get a world-class education and master English fluency in Kyiv.

At the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year, the second phase of educational buildings was opened, which allow the school to meet the highest requirements and fulfill the commitments made. For the technical support of the new premises, our company developed a project of a sound system, stage lighting and video broadcasting of the school Assembly Hall, as well as a multi-zone sound system.

According to the project, a centralized sound system was implemented under the control of the ElectroVoice N8000 processor, which has the ability to process and route 32x32 audio channels.

EVF1152S speakers, TX 2181 subwoofers, ZX3 surround sound systems on specialized VSA+TCA+HA suspensions, TX1152FM monitors were installed in the hall, and they are powered by CPS amplifiers with RCM-8 remote control and monitoring modules.

Portal systems are placed on special structures, which are placed in lattice ceiling systems and allow moving light and sound equipment to any point of the hall. The delay systems hang on Milos M290 trusses, which are placed in 12-meter sections on the side walls of the hall and, if necessary, can be transferred to the ceiling in a free position in the event that the nivtek mobile quick assembly stage of the 21st shield 2000x1000mm with two sets of legs and 900mm is moved around the hall, for example, the configuration of the ring, a long podium for shows or against any wall of the hall. Thanks to the use of the IrisNet software, the switching of the operation modes of the sound system of the hall is carried out instantly, and thanks to the OM-1 module, the processor also performs full routing of the multi-zone sound system through the DANTE™ audio network, and only one Ethernet cable goes from the speech computer.

The microphone park of the assembly hall includes a large set of microphones of various types and purposes - instrumental PL33, PL35, PL37, premium dynamic vocal microphones ND76 and condenser vocal microphones RE410, RE510.

For the light design of the assembly hall, devices with an LED source are used - ROBE Robin® Perfect 100™ LED RGBW floodlights and ROBE Viva™ universal LED swivel heads.

The multi-zone sound system of the entire school is built on the basis of the AMOZzPLAYER software complex, which allows you to implement the following tasks:

  • independent broadcasting in each broadcast area;

  • combining zones into groups;

  • selection of individual playlists of each teacher;

  • automated switching on and off of broadcasting in each zone;

  • remote control of the system through the local network of the school using any device through the web interface.

AMOZzPlayer is an ideal comprehensive solution for the given tasks. It allows users to easily manage this system in the most convenient, comfortable and budget-friendly way.

In addition to the Assembly Hall, the following areas were equipped:


  • multifunctional gym (SX600PIX);

  • central hall (EVID C8.2);

  • dining room (EVID 3.2T);

  • pool (ZX1i-100T).

KLOTZ MC2000 cable lines are connected directly to the N8000 processor from the gym and swimming pool, which allow you to connect local signal sources - a mixer, laptop, microphones. Moreover, despite the huge distance of 150 meters, through several floors and in the conditions of intersection with electric lines, there is no interference, low-frequency hum and other parasitic noises.

This complex reveals almost all the possibilities of the N8000 processor - as a speaker system processor, a router and a processor of digital networks and analog signals, as well as a control device for amplifiers.

The EKX12P and EKX15SP speaker systems have been successfully used for local sounding of music and drama classes, helping teachers in music and theater classes to convey to children the best that the cultural heritage of mankind can offer.

The uniqueness of this project is emphasized by the fact that the general designer of "Archimatika" received an award for it at the prestigious All-Ukrainian competition of architecture and urbanism "Ukrainian Urban Awards" in the category "Architecture of public facilities".

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